French caps

In past times it was common for women to wear two layers of headgear - inner one was fitted and outer one somewhat larger and looser. Same arrangement we can see on painting Fishmongers by Jean Carpentier. Women here do have ordinary roundeared caps (it could be clearly seen on young girl standing in center) and over them another looser cap.

Fishmongers, Jean Carpentier, detail.

I didn´t find any extant piece yet, but pictures shows us caps made very simple - halfcircle gatherend on the top into long rectangle.

French cap - reconstruction.

Drawstring in lower part is drawn, cap put on head and long rectangle is folded backward.

French cap - reconstruction.

Long lappels could be arranged many ways - hanging on shoulders, pin up on top of head or backward on cap.

Herbal Tea Vendor, Francoise Duparc, detail.

Lady with lilac and eggs, follower of Simeon Chardin, detail.

Fishmongers, Jean Carpentier, detail.

Kitchen Maids selling Vegetables, Jean Carpentier, detail.

Kitchen Maid,Simeon Chardin, 1737, detail.

Spoiled Child, Jean Greuze, detail.

On painting by Simeon Chardin we can see cap or hankerchief crossed under chin and tied behind.

Attentie Nurse, Simeon Chardin, 1747, detail.

Some caps did have ruffled edges.


Scullery maid, Simeon Chardin, 1736, detail.

Laundress, Jean Greuze, 1761, detail.

Same caps were probably worn as single layer, directly on hair.

Old Women, Francois Duparc, 1778, detail.

Kitchen Maid, Hugues Taraval, 1783, detail.

This cap is typical for Franch women.

French cap - reconstruction.

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